Looks like January was a slow month for Home school field trips:)! Not surprising as I found myself struggling to get back into a rhythm of schooling after the holidays. Our big week long trip to London was cancelled although we did make it in for the day to see a show to celebrate my daughter's 10th birthday. We had a fabulous time!
Are you and your children going any where exciting this month for a school field trip if so please share it here so others can read all about it. I know I have gotten lots of great ideas and tips for future field trips and I hope you will too:)!
Just remember please:
This site is for HOMESCHOOLER's, for sharing their field trips and methods of learning while outside the home. I am trying to distinguish this site from all the other wonderful blog hops in blog land. As a home schooler I am looking to support and encourage other homeschoolers to share in their learning adventures with their children that occur outside the home. To find out more please read the guidelines in the header bar above.